Bathroom remodeling is one of the top trends in home improvement, with an average of 81% of consumers reporting to include it in their home remodeling projects. People who choose to remodel recognize the value and luxury of a modern bathroom.

Although it may seem like a big project, bathroom remodeling can add a lot to not only the quality of your home but the quality of your life, as well.

If you’re considering bathroom remodeling, read on for our top reasons why it’s a good idea to do it.

1. Bathroom Remodeling Increases Your Home’s Value

An updated bathroom is an attractive asset to have if you decide to sell your home.

Home buyers tend to look for updates in the bathroom and in the kitchen when deciding which home to purchase. If your home has a modern, luxurious bathroom with updated features, it can make it easier to sell.

As an added bonus, bathroom remodeling boasts a spectacular ROI, typically adding more than 100% of its cost to the value of your home. It’s also one of the top HGTV home improvements that pay off.

2. Give Yourself More Space

Even if you think your bathroom is too tiny to make an impression, you still have options. With a few tweaks, bathroom remodeling can really open up space.

Small bathroom remodeling can create more space for you to work with. By reworking the setup and adding space-saving features such as shelves and cabinets, you may be surprised at the results of your bathroom remodel.

3. Add Luxury to Your Home

The blank canvas is yours: you have the freedom to choose the fixtures and create the bathroom of your dreams. There are a variety of bathroom modeling ideas that allow you to get creative.

Modern features such as integrated music systems, colorful lighting, jetted bathtubs, and unique shower heads can create a spa-like atmosphere in your new bathroom. You can decide on what splurges to make in order to create your perfect space.

For some inspiration, check out our post on how to choose the best bathroom vanity.

4. Allow Necessary Upgrades

After your bathroom remodel, you won’t have to look at the old, broken-down features of your old bathroom. You can finally fix that leaky faucet or broken tile work.

This is especially useful if your bathroom has a lot of rust or calcium buildup. Bathroom remodeling will leave it looking clean and brand new.

5. Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Modern water fixtures such as baths, showers, and toilets offer energy-efficient features that are built to reduce water usage.

For example, EPA estimates that homeowners can save around 13,000 gallons of water per year by replacing their toilet with a water-efficient model. This equates to a savings of about $130 a year.

By adding on features that save water and electricity, you can save a considerable amount of money on utility bills.

Final Thoughts

Bathroom remodeling can be an easy way to add value to your home and your life.

With so many options to create a new, luxurious space, now is a great time to take on the project.

For expert advice, contact us about getting your bathroom remodel started today.